As I embark on a journey to save the new world, I see next to me the man who I fell in love
with at first sight. Together, we emerged through countless battles from the last war and
have collected many spoils. However, it’s at the cost of fatigue. We then decided to return
to base in order to recuperate and stash away all the wealth in chests. I threw myself down
on the bed, next to my beloved, my eyes started to close by themselves…
Exhausted after returning from battle, my body felt drifting away, and couldn’t even
distinguish my bed from the floor. An unusual, soft wind caresses me as I feel the sunrise
warming up my room. This wakes up my mind, as I know the sun couldn’t reach my room, and my
base is sealed from Earth’s harsh, war-torn, toxic atmosphere. Intrigued by that fact, I
tossed myself around the bed, finally managing to gather enough willpower to wake up. I then
hear a familiar voice coming from the chest’s side.
- "Let’s go, continue the fight!"
Abruptly, I stand up and realize that I came back to the modern world of the 21st century. My
partner’s gone, I’m alone now. I then turned back to check my surroundings and see that the
chest was still there, filled with plunder. Knowing that my life doesn’t belong to this
world, I try to figure out a way to come back, then a memory comes to mind. I remember
buying a stopwatch of the antiques store downtown, and pressing the button on it would
activate the time travel. I have to go. I brought along my loot as I made my way back to the
shop. Arriving there, the shopkeeper was surprised to see me again and recognized all the
trinkets inside my chest.
- "So, you want to come back?” - asked the shopkeeper.
Without hesitation, I dropped the chest and grabbed the stopwatch off the shopkeeper,
pressing the button. A shockwave moves out of the stopwatch, followed by a portal opening in
front of me.
"I wish you good fortunes on your plundering." - said the shopkeeper before maniacally
laughing in the background.
Focused on getting back to my desired land and reuniting with my man, I stepped in the
I arrived in some sort of ruined room, with the walls barely holding on by themselves. I
approached the window in front of me and observed the landscape. It was a war-torn barren
wasteland, littered with craters and destroyed tree trunks, with the air occupied by a grey,
thick and toxic mist and accompanied by a putrefying stench. It was nothing short of what’s
portrayed in the post-apocalyptic films. Suddenly, someone entered the room, it was a young
man, covered by scars and marks.
"We are blessed by your presence madam, as the Divines have brought you here
to help us to save the world!"
In order to survive and strive in this world, one must not be left alone. I decided to help
these people out, while still not giving up on the thought of ultimately reuniting with my
long-lost love.